Monday, August 25, 2008

Joe Mesi: Clueless on Abortion

Abortion is one of the defining issues of our time. Roe v. Wade could be overturned with 1 new Supreme Court Justice, and then it would be up to State Legislators to set their own laws again.

But for someone who calls himself "Baby", Joe has no clue on Abortion. His positions have been all over the map.

Two Months Ago, Joe Mesi was Pro Life. He told Joe Illuzzi that he would oppose a bill that reaffirmed and expanded womens abortion rights.

On June 9, Illuzzi posted the following: "Update: The Mesi campaign has reversed Joe's position on abortion reflecting Joe's core belief that he cannot & will not support third trimester abortion...Mesi supports abortion at anytime for any reason...Joe's vote would allow a woman in the 3rd trimester to have a "partial birth abortion" her child's skull crushed, the child's brian sucked out for any reason. We cannot support a candidate for election the first time out who brings this agenda to our State's capital. No matter how nice a guy he is!"

So that meant Joe was Pro-Choice, apparently.

But not just Pro-Choice - no - SO Pro Choice that he supports On-Demand Partial Birth Abortion - Not Even NARAL supports that - they only support for health of the mother!

So Mesi is to the left of NARAL and 83% of the US Population - a Pew Poll last August found only 17% support for Partial Birth abortion.

Finally, Sunday he told Kevin Hardwick's radio program that abortions were being performed by "chiropractors, podiatrists, things of that nature", before declaring his new support for late-term abortion.

I demand that Joe Mesi find a podiatrist or chiropractor who was performing abortions. I mean, c'mon. Really Joe?

Abortion stances are important to us Joe! Even if you don't have one of your one, Make one up and for Gods Sake Stick with it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to abort Joe Mesi's candidacy.