Sunday, August 24, 2008

Joe's Detailed Plan: Shorter than a School Supplies List

Catchphrases and Cluelessness: the world got to hear Joe Mesi deliver his lines this morning ("I'm in favor of kids"), then have no details at all to back them up. It was truly painful.

But I'll talk about the disasterous debate some other time. But I'll talk about his lack of a plan right now.

Babied Joe's newest mailer states that "He's offered a detailed, long term plan to revive our economy and create new jobs".

It even says that you can "Learn more about Joe Mesi's Jobs Plan and all his ideas for Western New York at"

But his website shows no sign of such. See for yourself.

Instead, he has 241 words on the issue. 241 Words! The 1st Grade School Supplies list at Maple West is longer than that!

And the worst part is that the first half of Joe's "detailed, long-term plan" is devoted to telling me what's wrong, leaving only 124 words on what he'll actually do. And then he goes on to ramble about Roswell Park, a great place for sure, but one that he apparently doesn't know isn't even in the district!

Joe, the people of the 61st district want real jobs for our community. They want to know that their kids will have something waiting for them when they graduate College, and won't have to move to North Carolina. Empty promises won't help them at all.

But I guess I shouldn't expect a real jobs plan from a guy who has never held a real job in his life.

P.S. This post is longer than 241 words.

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